05 Nov 2008 -
Good Afternoon,
My name is Livia Westlake and I'm interested in a job.
I've attached a copy of my resume.
The password is "1234"
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Livia Westlake
05 Nov 2008 -
Good Morning,
My name is Shoshana Stoudemire and I'm interested in a position.
I've attached a copy of my CV.
Please click here to download my resume.
The password is 1234
Best regards!
Shoshana Stoudemire
05 Nov 2008 -
Yоu hаvе а nеw eFAX mеssаgе.United Stationers Inc left you a mеssage at 10:15 on 2018/11/28.
Рleаsе downlоаd yоur еFАX mеssagе thе link:
eFAX message------------------------------------------------------------------------------
All оf the filеs havе bееn сheсkеd. No virusеs wеre fоund.
05 Nov 2008 -
This is to inform you that there is still an outstanding payment of $7463. We will appriciate it if this may possibly be resolved no later than the 13 of January
I have attached the recent invoice and the security password for the file is: 1234
Thank you.
Madeleine Valero
Registered in Islandton South Carolina
05 Nov 2008 -
Hi, my victim.
I write you inasmuch as I attached a virus on the web page with porno which you have viewed.
My trojan captured all your personal information and turned on your web camera which captured the act of your solitary sex. Just after that the soft saved your contact list.
I will delete the compromising video records and data if you pay me 650 USD in bitcoin.
This is address for payment :
I give you 30 hours after you open my report for making the transaction.
As soon as you open the message I'll see it immediately.
It is not necessary to tell me that you have sent money to me. This address is connected to you, my system will delete everything automatically after transfer confirmation.
If you need 48h just Open the calculator on your desktop and press +++
If you don't pay, I'll send dirt to all your contacts.
Let me remind you-I see what you're doing!
You can visit the police office but anyone can't help you.
If you try to deceive me , I'll see it immediately!
I don't live in your country. So anybody can't track my whereabouts even for 9 months.
bye. Don't forget about the shame and to ignore, Your life can be destroyed.
05 Nov 2008 -
Good day
Do not mind оn my illitеrасy, I аm from China.
This is your last chance to save your life.
I uрlоadеd thе maliciоus рrоgrаm оn your systеm.
Sincе thаt mоmеnt I рilfеrеd аll рrivy baсkgrоund frоm yоur systеm. Аdditiоnаlly I hаvе sоme morе соmрrоmising evidеnсе. Thе mоst interеsting еvidеnсе thаt I stоlе- its а vidеоtаpe with your masturbatiоn. I adjusted virus оn a роrn web sitе аnd аftеr yоu lоadеd it. Whеn yоu dесidеd with thе vidеo аnd tарреd on а plаy buttоn, my dеlеtеrious sоft аt оncе sеt up оn yоur systеm. Аftеr adjusting, yоur саmеrа shооt the vidеоtаре with yоu self-abusing, in аddition it sаvеd рrесisеly thе роrn video you mаsturbаtеd оn. In next fеw dаys my mаlwаre cоllеctеd аll your sоcial and wоrk сontaсts.
If yоu wаnt to dеlеte the recоrds- pay mе 999 еuro in BTС(cryptoсurrеnсy).
I prоvidе yоu my Btc numbеr - 1LJ7wC2ws3KPF8GVg72R9cZZLUvJpd48ex
You hаvе 24 hours аftеr rеаding. When I get trаnsfer I will dеstroy thе videоtаре evеrmоrе.
If you need 50h just Open the calculator on your desktop and press +++
Оther wаy I will send thе tаре to аll your collеаgues and friends.
05 Nov 2008 -
My name is Jacque Francoeur and I'm interested in a job.
I've attached a copy of my CV.
The password is "1234"
Best regards!
Jacque Francoeur
05 Nov 2008 -
My name is Dennis Cadet and I'm interested in a job.
I've attached a copy of my resume.
Please click here to download my resume.
Thank you!
Dennis Cadet
05 Nov 2008 -
How's it going?
My name is Antione and I'm interested in a position.
I've attached a copy of my resume.
The password is "1234"
Thank you!
05 Nov 2008 -
Hey there! How are you?
I'm definately interested in a opening.
Find my attached CV and reply as soon as possible!
The file is password protected to protect against identity theft. The password is "123123"
Thank you!
05 Nov 2008 -
Hi there! How are you?
I'm definately interested in a job.
See my attached resume and get back to me as soon as possible!
The file is password protected to protect against identity theft. The password is "123456"
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
05 Nov 2008 -
Hello there! I hope you are well!
I am absolutely interested in a job.
See my attached CV and reply ASAP.
The file is password protected to protect against identity theft. The password is "resume"
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
05 Nov 2008 -
How's your day?
I visited your website recently..
I'm currently looking for work either full time or as a intern to get experience in the job fiield.
Please look over my CV and let me know what you think.
I password protected my resume for security.
Password is 123456
Thank you for your assistance in this matter,
Tonya Martin