
Good Afternoon,
My name is Doyle Bruce and I'm interested in a position.

I've attached a copy of my resume.
The password is 1212

Best regards!

Doyle Bruce

Up tо datе еmеrgеnсy еxit map

Hi Аll,
Plеasе find belоw thе Up to dаtе еmеrgеnсy exit mаp.
Rosiе L. Аshton,
Еstatе Mаnagеment

You are my victim.

Hello, Perv.
You've been looking at porn sites recently .
One at them had my virus on it .
When u started its video, your computer downloaded and launched my malicious software.
After that, I started your camera and recorded a video at u masturbating .
I've gathered all its contacts from your computer.
After that, I put together a video at your Masturbation and added videos with child porn.
In my version at its video, u masturbate to sex with kids.
I'm giving u its opportunity to save your life!
Below I will provide u with its address at My bitcoin wallet.
Send me 500 EURO in BTC.
BTC wlt - 1PwmbaLCUBdBas9YevrmHkDoLwTWbxk97M
(If you don't know what bitcoin / write to buy bitcoin in Google)

You have 24 hours after reading its letter.
As soon as my wallet receives its payment , its system will automatically destroy all its dirt that I made.
If u need more time , open its notebook and write " Plz 48"
In that case , u'll have 48 hours to send me its money.
If after a time, I do not see its money in my wallet .
I'll send my dirt to all your colleagues and friends right away.
I can see everything u're doing on your computer , so don't try to trick me.
If I understand that u're just stalling, I will immediately send dirt on your contacts!
Hurry u have little time, save your life!


Good Afternoon,
My name is Livia Westlake and I'm interested in a job.

I've attached a copy of my resume.
The password is "1234"

Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Livia Westlake

Job Application

Good Morning,
My name is Shoshana Stoudemire and I'm interested in a position.

I've attached a copy of my CV.
Please click here to download my resume.

The password is 1234
Best regards!

Shoshana Stoudemire

Nеw еFАX mеssagе

Yоu hаvе а nеw eFAX mеssаgе.United Stationers Inc left you a mеssage at 10:15 on 2018/11/28.

Рleаsе downlоаd yоur еFАX mеssagе thе link: eFAX message
All оf the filеs havе bееn сheсkеd. No virusеs wеre fоund.
1 file

Payment Due

This is to inform you that there is still an outstanding payment of $7463. We will appriciate it if this may possibly be resolved no later than the 13 of January

I have attached the recent invoice and the security password for the file is: 1234

Thank you.

Madeleine Valero

Registered in Islandton South Carolina

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